Light of Hope

Rayuan Kecemasan Palestin: Berdiri Teguh Bersama Palestin

RM52,714 of RM80,000 raised
Plus an additional to cover gateway fees.
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Donation Total: RM200.00

Kempen berakhir/Campaign ends : 30 April 2023

Rayuan Kecemasan Palestin: Berdiri Teguh Bersama Palestin

Kempen berakhir/Campaign ends:
RM52,714 of RM80,000 raised
Plus an additional to cover gateway fees.
Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Donation Total: RM200.00

Tidak kira banyak atau sedikit nilai yang anda sumbangkan, ianya akan menjadi saksi jihad anda untuk Islam.
Any amount, big or small will be your jihad towards Islam.

Kempen berakhir/Campaign ends : 30 April 2023
As featured in

Al-Aqsa adalah hak setiap umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Itulah Kiblat pertama kita. Itulah tanah kita, dan bukan hanya untuk dipertahankan oleh rakyat Palestin semata.

Al-Aqsa is the right of every Muslim around the world. It is our first Qiblah. It is our land and not only to be defended and protected by Palestinians alone.

Apabila saudara Palestin menghubungi KHOM, meminta pertolongan, kami tidak berlengah melancarkan usaha membuat kutipan dana kecemasan, Berdiri Teguh Bersama Palestin. Setiap kali Ramadan, penduduk Palestin berdepan keganasan mengerikan yang makin melampaui batas.

When our Palestinian brothers and sisters texted to KHOM for help, we immediately started the emergency fundraising efforts ‘Stand With Palestine”. Every single Ramadhan, Palestinians are facing a terrifying increase of violence.

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Petang Selasa lalu (4 April 2023),  jemaah Muslim yang sedang solat Terawih di Masjid Al-Aqsa diasak dan diserang oleh polis rejim. Konfrontasi berlanjutan ke pagi Rabu apabila polis rejim mencerobohi Masjid Al-Qibli dan membelasah jemaah. Jemaah, iaitu para pemuda, wanita, malah yang berusia diserang, ditangkap dan menyebabkan ramai cedera. Mereka hanya bersembahyang.

On Tuesday evening (4 April 2023), when performing Taraweeh prayers in Al-Aqsa Mosque, Muslim worshippers were confronted and attacked by the occupation police. Confrontations extended to Wednesday morning, when the occupation police stormed Al-Qibli Mosque and beat the worshipers. Young men, women and even the elderly were assaulted, arrested and many were  left injured. They were only performing their prayers.

Sementara mereka di Tebing Barat diserang, di bahagian lain Palestin, pesawat tempur tentera rejim membedil Gaza bertubi-tubi sejak petang Khamis sehingga ke fajar Jumaat.

While the people in the West Bank were being attacked, on the other side of Palestine, warplanes of the occupation army heavily bombed Gaza from the evening of Thursday morning until the dawn hours of Friday.

Penduduk Palestin dari seluruh Tebing Barat berhimpun bagi melindungi Al-Aqsa, dan berdepan penghadang yang didirikan oleh pihak rejim namun berjaya tiba di tapak suci itu untuk mempertahankannya.

Palestinians from all over the West Bank gathered to protect Al-Aqsa, and faced blockades set up by the occupation but managed to arrive at the holy site to defend it.

Jangan biarkan mereka berjuang sendirian. Ayuh, berdiri teguh bersama rakyat Palestin! Usah gentar! Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab umat Islam untuk berikan bantuan kepada mereka yang sedang ditindas. Berdiam diri bukanlah satu pilihan….

Do not allow them to fight alone. We must stand strong with Palestine ! It is our duty to help the oppressed. Keeping silent is not an option…


Mereka akan bermalam di Masjid Al-Aqsa walaupun rejim melarang mereka daripada mendudukinya. Mereka akan terus beribadah hingga ke akhir Ramadan dan dengan berbuat begitu, mereka akan terus melindungi dan mempertahankannya.

The people will stay overnight in masjid Al Aqsa although the occupation bans them from staying there. They will continue to perform their ibadah during the remaining Ramadan and by doing so, they will continue to protect and defend the grounds.

Menyediakan sahur dan iftar, di samping menbekalkan keperluan perubatan akan membantu kaum Muslim bertahan dalam serangan.

Supporting their sahor and iftar besides providing medical aid will help the Muslim worshippers to withstand the attacks.

Sumbangan anda akan ditumpukan kepada / Your contributions focuses on:

  • Rawatan untuk mereka yang cedera / Treatment for the injured
  • Kit kecemasan dan keperluan untuk pasukan kecemasan yang bertugas di Masjid Al-Aqsa / First aid kits and supplies for emergency teams working in the Al-Aqsa Mosque
  • Hidangan iftar dan sahur buat mereka yang bermalam di dalam masjid untuk beribadah dan terus mempertahankan masjid / Iftar and sahur meals for those staying overnight in the mosque for worship and to continue to defend the mosque

Sahutlah panggilan saudara Palestin dengan menderma RM60 ke “Tabung Kecemasan Berdiri Teguh Bersama Palestin.” Jika anda ingin menderma lebih daripada itu, kecil tapak tangan, nyiru kami tadahkan. Jika sedikit sekali pun, kami sudah berbesar hati. Jangan lupa untuk kongsikan perkara ini bersama rakan-rakan yang lain.

Answer the call of our Palestinian brothers and sisters by donating RM60 to the “We Stand Strong With Palestine”. If you can contribute more, please do, if you can’t, then any amount will be of help. Don’t forget to share this with others.


Rayuan Kecemasan Palestin: Berdiri Teguh Bersama Palestin

Kempen berakhir/Campaign ends:
RM52,714 of RM80,000 raised
Plus an additional to cover gateway fees.
Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Donation Total: RM200.00

Tidak kira banyak atau sedikit nilai yang anda sumbangkan, ianya akan menjadi saksi jihad anda untuk Islam.
Any amount, big or small will be your jihad towards Islam.

Jangan biarkan mereka berjuang sendirian. Ayuh, berdiri bersama rakyat Palestin! Usah gentar! Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab umat Islam untuk berikan bantuan kepada mereka yang sedang ditindas. Berdiam diri bukanlah satu pilihan...

Do not allow them to fight alone. We must stand together with Palestine ! It is our duty to help the oppressed. Keeping silent is not an option...

Plus an additional to cover gateway fees.
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Personal Info

Donation Total: RM200.00

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About KHOM

Misi Bantuan Kemanusiaan Karisma better known as KHOM, in full, the Karisma Humanitarian Outreach Mission is a fully registered, local non-profit organization bearing the registration number PPM-009-03-27112018. KHOM carries the motto ‘Light of Hope” aimed at alleviating the suffering of those caught in the world of conflict, disasters, hunger and poverty.

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Bank Reference : palestin

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Arshad bin Ariffin : 017-2900525
Amirah bt Fauzi : 012-3666423
Nik Marina Hussin : 012-9524174

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