Light of Hope

Rayuan Kecemasan Musim Sejuk Palestin

RM182,878 of RM180,000 raised
Plus an additional to cover gateway fees.
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Donation Total: RM300.00

Kempen berakhir/Campaign ends : 31 Mac 2022

Rayuan Kecemasan Musim Sejuk Palestin

Kempen berakhir/Campaign ends:
RM182,878 of RM180,000 raised
Plus an additional to cover gateway fees.
Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Donation Total: RM300.00

This campaign has ended.
Thank you for your support.

Kempen ini telah pun tamat.
Terima kasih kerana menyokong kami.

Serendah RM10, anda dapat menyelamatkan seorang insan yang menderita kesejukan. As low as RM10, you can save a person from the torturing winter.

Kempen berakhir/Campaign ends : 31 Mac 2022
As featured in

“Isu Palestin Seperti Satu Trend. Kita Tidak Mahu Ia Menjadi Trend, Nyawa Manusia Bukanlah Trend”-Pengarah Misi KHOM, Nik Marina Hussin

“The Issue Of Palestine Is Like A Trend. We Don’t Want It To Be A Trend. Human Lives Are Not Trends” -Nik Marina Hussin, Khom Mission Director

Kami kongsi video yang dimuat naik oleh Al-Jazeera ini, seorang budak lelaki pelarian di kem pelarian di Lebanon, berdiri di tengah salji lebat, merayu dunia agar mendengarkan kesengsaraan yang dilalui. Dia mempersoalkan mengapa dunia enggan mendengar jeritan mereka. Kanak-kanak Palestin dan Syria merayu pertolongan anda. Ribuan keluarga hidup tanpa tempat perlindungan dan bekalan elektrik.

We share this video released by Al-Jazeera, a young displaced  boy staying in refugee camp in Lebanon  cries out for the world to listen to their sufferings. He questions why the world is not hearing their calls. The children of Palestin and Syria are crying out for your help. Thousands of families are without shelter and electricity.

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Semasa temubual bersama Isaam A. Adwan, Pengurus Projek We Are Not Numbers dan Sister Leen daripada Friends of Palestine, Pengarah Misi KHOM, Nik Marina Hussin melahirkan kegusarannya berhubung isu ‘trending’ serangan terhadap Al-Aqsa dan Gaza yang berlaku pada Ramadan dan Aidilfitri, baru ini. Rakyat Malaysia dan dunia, seluruhnya nyata terkejut dengan berita serangan ke atas Al-Aqsa yang berlaku pada malam akhir Ramadan itu.

During an interview with Issam A. Adwan, Project Manager of We Are Not Numbers and Sister Leen of Friends of Palestine, KHOM Mission Director Marina Hussin voiced her concern over ‘trending’ issues related to the attacks on Al-Aqsa and Gaza during Ramadhan and Eid earlier this year. Malaysians and the whole world awoke in shock receiving the news of the Al-Aqsa attack on the final night of Ramadhan.

Ini mendorong seluruh Negara, tanpa mengira latar belakang, mengutuk serangan itu dan bertindak melancarkan kutipan dana bagi membantu mereka yang cedera, para petugas barisan hadapan dan mangsa serangan. “Namun, masa berlalu dan kita meneruskan kehidupan dan soal Palestin bukan lagi satu isu,” kata Nik Marina. Kini, warga Palestin berdepan satu lagi pertempuran. Kali ini, pertempuran untuk menyelamatkan diri daripada musim sejuk sebagai insan gelandangan.

This caused the whole nation from all walks of life to condemn the attacks and act on fundraising campaigns to assist the injured, frontliners and victims of the attacks. “However, as time goes by, people get on with their lives and Palestine is not a hot issue anymore” Marina remarked. Now, Palestinians are facing another battle. This time it is a battle of surviving winter as homeless souls.

Euro Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, sebuah organisasi berpangkalan di Geneva, sejumlah 21,000 penduduk Palestin hilang tempat tinggal susulan serangan pada 21 Julai itu dan ini tidak termasuk 42,000 lagi yang mengalami nasib sama menerusi ugutan dan pencerobohan. Kini, mangsa-mangsa serangan Gaza dan agresi/pencerobohan yang berlaku setiap hari hidup tanpa tempat perlindungan dan merayu perhatian dan bantuan anda untuk berdepan musim sejuk ini.

A Geneva-based independant organization, Euro Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor revealed that 21,000 Palestinians were displaced as a result of the attacks in July 21 and this does not include 42000 of those displaced through threats and aggression. Now, the victims of the Gaza attacks and daily aggressions are without shelter and seek your attention and assistance to help them surivive winter.

Ramai keluarga Palestin kini merana akibat kedinginan musim sejuk. Semakin ramai diusir dari tanah mereka dan hidup dalam rumah diperbuat daripada zink atau khemah dengan dinding kanvas yang basah. Jika rumah pun basah, bagaimana keluarga yang berada di dalam hendak menghangatkan tubuh mereka? Tempat perlindungan sedia ada tidak mampu melindungi mereka daripada suhu di bawah paras beku.

Palestinian families are now suffering from the cold winter. More and more are being driven off their lands only to  live in tin houses or tents with wet canvas walls. If the walls are wet, how can the families inside be warm? Their shelters are unable to protect them from temperatures below freezing point.

Tiada bekalan elektrik, malahan tiada bahan bakar untuk menghangatkan mereka. Apa yang boleh dilakukan hanyalah mencari ranting basah dan kotak untuk dibakar. Sudah sekian lama, keluarga Palestin berdepan sekatan menyebabkan mereka tidak mampu membeli selimut dan baju sejuk. Lihat kaki kanak-kanak ini, mereka tiada stoking atau sepatu untuk dipakai!

There is no electricity and not even fuel to warm them. All they can do is look for wet sticks and cardboards to burn fire. Palestinian families have long been facing restrictions and simply  don’t have the means to buy blankets and winter coats. Look at these children’s feet, they don’t even have socks or shoes to wear! 

Dengarlah jeritan batin mereka. Sambutlah doa mereka yang merayu ihsan anda. Bantu mereka menghadapi musim sejuk ini dengan menyumbang kit kecemasan bagi menghangatkan keluarga yang kedinginan. Musim sejuk boleh membunuh. Hulurkan sumbangan anda, sekarang.

KHOM is asking for you to please respond to their cries and to their prayers for help. Help them survive this winter by donating a winter family emergency kit of warmth. Winter kills. Donate now.

Sekurang-kurangnya RM 180,000.00 diperlukan untuk penghantaran bantuan musim sejuk kepada kira-kira 500 kanak-kanak yang tinggal di sekitar Tebing Barat, Palestin Disember ini.

Ayuh! Bersama, kita ringankan beban yang dihadapi saudara Palestin kita yang sudah lama hidup dalam kesengsaraan. Jika kita memandang setiap kanak-kanak seperti anak kita sendiri,
tiada lagi kanak-kanak yang akan merana.

At least RM 180, 000.00 is needed to send winter aid to at least 500 children in the areas of  West Bank, Palestine this December.

Let’s join hands and ease the burden faced by our Palestinian brothers and sisters who have long lived in suffering. If we see all children as our own, there would be no child who suffers. 

Rayuan Kecemasan Musim Sejuk Palestin

Kempen berakhir/Campaign ends:

This campaign has ended.
Thank you for your support.

Kempen ini telah pun tamat.
Terima kasih kerana menyokong kami.

Serendah RM10, anda dapat menyelamatkan seorang insan yang menderita kesejukan. As low as RM10, you can save a person from the torturing winter.

As featured in

About KHOM

Misi Bantuan Kemanusiaan Karisma better known as KHOM, in full, the Karisma Humanitarian Outreach Mission is a fully registered, local non-profit organization bearing the registration number PPM-009-03-27112018. KHOM carries the motto ‘Light of Hope” aimed at alleviating the suffering of those caught in the world of conflict, disasters, hunger and poverty.

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CIMB BANK : 8603493305
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Bank Reference : palestin

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Reach us via our helpline below

Arshad bin Ariffin : 017-2900525
Amirah bt Fauzi : 012-3666423
Nik Marina Hussin : 012-9524174

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